Thursday, May 28, 2009

28th May

The day has come ! The end of mid-term exam ! Hooray ! Actually, I'm not happy at all...... Cause, I think I'll fail some papers...

But what is done......IS DONE ! =D

I'm bored, I have nothing to say.........

To Meo,

Yo ! I'm your life saver! Bow down to the king ! xD ... Oh, by the way.... those guys at the park are my neighbours, except one.... there's 3, 2 of them are my neighbours........ =) Oh, I figure out why you're scared when you walk there..................... cause you're a cat.... scare + cat = scary cat.... Lol ! Anway, does that even make any sense? I wonder...........

To Anyone,

I'm bored ! Come talk to me......... Where ever you guys want : Facebook, blog, meo's blog, (SPAM HER BLOG) , Rachael's blog, (her's too !) Msn, (Can't log in!), OR come to my house..... (Meo just did.... but I kicked her home) ...............


1 comment:

Meo Im Thee said...

The moral of the story is don't go sin sin house.. or she will kick u out (like me TT)